Assorted Wraps

I can create ANY style wrap you need. From JONES Soda labels to Votive wraps, I can pretty much do it all!

Custom wraps start at $7.00 PER SHEET. A sheet is one 8 1/2x11 page and I will place as many on one sheet as possible for you so you can save on printing costs. The only item that needs to be placed one per sheet are the votive wraps.

 Here are some samples of items created. Actual photos are from brides that use my products.

 JONES Soda Labels- $10.00 for TWO designs

Votive Wraps (in action)- Wraps are $4.00 PER  design. These only come one per page

Label wrap for a favor Jam Jar- Price for a jar label is $7.00 per page ONE style
Water Bottle Wraps- One custom sheet cost $10.00 for TWO styles

{finished product}


Have another idea for a wrap? Email me and I can do it! Anything is possible and the prices are always reasonable. 

For questions or to place an order, please email:

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